Page 7 - Katten 2021 Pro Bono Annual Review
P. 7

Nigerian College Students Turned Away by
                                       Landlord Secure Strong Settlement

                                           Housing is a fundamental human need.
                               And when people are denied housing because of their skin color
                                    or nationality, Jonathan Baum isn’t one to sit quietly.

            For six years, Jonathan, senior counsel and director of pro   included:  payment  of  substantial  damages  to  the  students
            bono  services,  pressed  for  relief  for  two  Nigerian  college   and their realtor; an injunction against future discrimination;
            students  denied  the  opportunity  to  rent  an  apartment  in   implementation by the respondents of a fair housing policy;
            Chicago’s Chinatown neighborhood.                   training  of  all  respondents  in  fair  housing  practices;  and  a
                                                                requirement that respondents post in all media in which they
            Initially, the Illinois Department of Human Rights found the   advertise their rental properties their obligation to comply
            complaints unsupported by evidence. But Jonathan got that   with fair housing laws.
            determination  reversed  by  the  Illinois  Human  Rights
            Commission.                                         The settlement also included a requirement that respon-
                                                                dents report to the State of Illinois annually for two years on
            The  case,  referred  to  Katten  by  the  Chicago  Lawyers’   their compliance with the settlement provisions, as well as
            Committee for Civil Rights, wound up in circuit court, where   demographic information about their prospective and actual
            the students and their Black realtor were joined in their com-  tenants.
            plaint by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office of Civil Rights.
                                                                Several  Katten  associates  assisted  Jonathan  with  this  case
            With the help of that office, Jonathan was able to secure a   over the years. The clients were grateful for the efforts, writing
            significant settlement for the complainants. The settlement
                                                                to Jonathan:

                 “ Thank you for your diligence, care and persistence to pursue justice for us. After

                  years of diligent work, you all never wavered, and for that, we’re eternally grateful.
                  Your professionalism, concern and care enlightened us, and gave us hope. God

                  bless you for such an awesome life work! You’ve helped us rebuild hope in such a

                  broken world!”  HOUSING DISCRIMINATION CLIENTS

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