Page 2 - Katten 2024 Pro Bono Annual Review
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——— Transformational Impact Through  ———

                               PRO BONO WORK

        By nearly every measure, this has been   The time and effort our attorneys and   building homes in Chicago, providing
        the biggest year ever for Katten’s pro   business professionals dedicated to pro   medical care in Dallas, securing access to
        bono practice. As a firm, we have accumu-  bono work this year is beyond humbling.   clean drinking water in Nepal and deliver-
        lated a record number of hours logged    The outcomes they were able to achieve   ing essential goods in Ukraine.
        for pro bono service and have seen more   have made such a positive impact on so
                                                                                   This year also marks the 25th year that
        attorneys and business professionals   many  families.  Some  of  the  firm’s  pro
                                                                                   Katten  has  celebrated  its  Annual  Pro
        engage  in  pro  bono  work  than  ever   bono clients will experience the basic lib-
                                                                                   Bono Service Awards. We’re thrilled to
        before.  However,  when  it  comes  to  pro   erty of safe housing — one family secured
                                                                                   recognize 20 of our attorneys and busi-
        bono, metrics are an afterthought to the   protection after years of racial harass-
                                                                                   ness professionals for their commitment
        profound impact we can have by helping   ment  from  a  neighbor,  while  another
                                                                                   to pro bono service and continuous dedi-
        to transform a life, a family or a commu-  family found a home after enduring years
                                                                                   cation  to  serving  those  who  wouldn’t
        nity. The report that follows features just   of  housing  discrimination.  Additionally,
                                                                                   otherwise  have  access  to  high-quality
        a  sample  of  the  pro  bono  wins,  trans-   we helped clients find safety in the United
                                                                                   legal services.
        actions, clinics and community support   States  by  winning  asylum  and  helping
        efforts from the past year.          them escape reprehensible violence. We   The stories told throughout this report
                                             also  worked  with  several  organizations   bring life to the transformational impact
                                             that do outstanding work to support their   our collective pro bono efforts have had
                                             communities. With our support, multiple   this  year  on  our  clients  as  well  as  the
                                             nonprofits established tax-exempt status   participating attorneys and business pro-
                                             in record time  to better position them-  fessionals. I hope you enjoy reading about
                                             selves in their various missions, including   them as much as I have.

                                             Gil Soffer, Chairman

        Pro Bono Committee                   Charlotte                             Los Angeles
                                             Lindsey L. Smith, Partner             Scott C. Cutrow, Partner

                                             Chicago                               Leah E.A. Solomon, Counsel
                                             Jonathan K. Baum, Senior Counsel and   Joel R. Weiner, Partner
                                             Director of Pro Bono Services, Chair
                                             Janet Goelz Hoffman, Senior Counsel and
                                             Pro Bono Counsel                      Charlotte Sallabank, Partner

                                             Chad Doobay, Partner                  New York
                                             Alison Yuko Krieser, Partner          Karen Artz Ash, Partner

                                             Dallas                                Washington, DC
                                             Michaela C. Crocker, Partner          Joseph F. Fiorill, Partner
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