Page 3 - Katten 2024 Pro Bono Annual Review
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——— Empowering Communities Through  ———

                      PRO BONO ADVOCACY

        As Gil notes in his letter, this has been a   20 attorneys and business professionals
        banner year for pro bono at Katten.  Not   whom  we  honored  with  our  annual
        only have our total pro bono hours and   Katten  Pro  Bono  Service  Awards  in
        rate of attorney participation hit all-  October and November (see pp. 24–27).
        time highs, but the whole firm is united   What  I  hear  from  them  (as  well  as  so
        in these efforts. Attorneys from 40 dif-  many others) is that their pro bono work   " Public service marks the difference
        ferent practices and seven different   is transformational for them — not just   between a business and a profession.
        offices  are  transforming  the  lives  of     by enhancing their skills and integrating   While a business can afford to
        individuals,  families,  organizations  and     them more fully with their colleagues to
        communities.  You’ll  see  the  specific   better serve all our clients — but also by   focus solely on profits, a profession
        examples of this in the pages that follow,   teaching them empathy and bringing   cannot. It must devote itself first
        but  I  want  to  provide  some  context.     greater meaning to their lives.  to the community it is responsible
        I have had the privilege of talking with the
                                            It  is  with  pleasure  that  I  invite  you     to serve. I can imagine no greater
                                            to read about our impactful work in    duty than fulfilling this obligation.
                                            these pages. All the individuals you
                                            will read about are exemplars of our   And I can imagine no greater
                                            profession, and they render honor to   pleasure."
                                            our firm.

                                                                                   Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

                                           Jonathan Baum, Director of Pro Bono Services

 Los Angeles   Contents    Litigation Victories            2    Leadership                     22
 Scott C. Cutrow, Partner  Deals and Transactions          8    2024 Pro Bono Partners         23
 Leah E.A. Solomon, Counsel
                           Immigration Support Clinics    12    25th Anniversary of
 Joel R. Weiner, Partner                                        Pro Bono Service Awards        24
                           Community Support              13
 London                    Increasing Awareness           16
 Charlotte Sallabank, Partner
                           Above and Beyond               20

 New York
 Karen Artz Ash, Partner

 Washington, DC
 Joseph F. Fiorill, Partner
                                                                          Katten    2024 PRO BONO ANNUAL REVIEW    1
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