Page 20 - Katten 2024 Pro Bono Annual Review
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10 KATTEN VOLUNTEERS                                    MARA GLASER MCCAHAN
        ACROSS THE UNITED STATES                                HELPS RAISE OVER $3.2
        SUPPORT SOCIAL WELLBEING                                MILLION FOR CHILDREN’S
        AS ‘RILEY ’S WAY CALL FOR                               NATIONAL HOSPITAL
                                                                Washington, DC, Partner Mara A. Glaser McCahan and
        Throughout April, 10 Katten volunteers participated as judges in   husband Daniel McCahan successfully co-chaired Children’s
        the Riley’s Way Call for Kindness, an initiative that empowers   Ball 2024, the premier annual fundraiser for Children’s
        young leaders aged 13 to 23 to create meaningful connections   National Hospital in Washington, DC. The April 13 event,
        and positive change through kindness and empathy. The program   hosted by Children’s National Hospital Foundation, sup-
        offers youth leaders a chance to win up to $5,000 in funding for   ports pediatric health care and research. The 2024 gala
        projects that inspire kindness and strengthen their communities.   attracted over 850 guests and raised more than $3.2 million
        This volunteer opportunity involved reviewing numerous appli-  to help the hospital provide world-class care to families in
        cations and providing feedback to the Riley’s Way Foundation,   need, elevate the patient experience and advance pediatric
        serving  as  a  part  of  Katten’s  Well-Being  360  initiative,  which   discovery.  Mara and Daniel
        emphasizes the firm’s commitment to supporting community     are already looking forward
        initiatives and fostering social wellbeing.             to co-chairing Children’s
                                                                Ball 2025 on April 26,
        Katten volunteers included Conference and Event Services
                                                                2025, at The Anthem.
        Supervisor  Jessie  Berger,  Business  Development  Executive
        Marguerita Dolatly, Structured Finance Partner Howie Schickler
        and  Financial  Markets  and  Funds  Associate  Nick  Gervasi  from
        New York; Conflicts Attorney Lauren Hoeflich from Los Angeles;
        Real Estate Paralegal Vickie Hayden Lee, Deputy Conflicts Counsel
        Naomi Lesar, Professional Development and WellBeing Manager
        Jordan Levey and Senior Billing Manager Rebecca Thompson
        from the Chicago office; and Claire Yan from Washington, DC.


        Our  Washington,  DC,  office  raised  over   Intellectual  Property  Partner  Christo-   Nicholas  McGuire;  Litigation  Associate
        $8,000  for  the  Legal Aid Society of the   pher Cole; Intellectual Property Paralegal   Neal  Shanker  Mehrotra;  Employee
        District of Columbia as part of their   Daria DeLizio; Transactional Tax Planning   Benefits  and  Executive  Compensation
        Making  Justice  Real fundraising cam-  Associate  Mitchell  Fagen;  Litigation   Associate  David  Mohl;  Appeals  and
        paign. The highlight was a July 24 cocktail   Partner  Joseph  Fiorill;  Chief  Business   Critical Motions Associate Andrew Peco-
        competition featuring attorneys as guest   Development  and  Marketing  Officer   raro;  Health  Care  Partner  M.  Ramana
        bartenders,  including  Litigation  Partner   Laura Fulton; Billing Coordinator Mayra   Rameswaran; Intellectual Property Part-
        Timothy Gray, Corporate Partner Tim-   Fuentes;  Corporate  Partner  Christina   ner  Terence  Ross;  Real  Estate  Partner
        othy Lynes, Structured Finance Partner   Grigorian;  Transactional  Tax  Planning   Jeffrey  Scharff;  Senior  Marketing  Tech-
        Seth Messner, Litigation Associate   Partner  Brandon  Hadley;  Intellectual   nology  Manager  Ger  Thor;  Director  of
        Andrew  Pecoraro  and  Intellectual   Property   Partner   Michael   Justus;   Client  Intelligence  Tracy  Tobin;  Billing
        Property  Partner  Sean  Wooden,  who   Litigation  Partner  Nicole  Lynn  Kobrine;     Manager Marcia Williamson; and match-
        together raised $1,286. Additional contri-  Human Resources Manager Jennifer   ing commitments from Timothy Lynes
        butions from office members brought the   Koch;  Corporate  Partner  Christopher   and Litigation Partner Howard Rubin. In
        total  to  $8,070.27,  with  donations  from   Locke; Real Estate Partner Kenneth Lore;   total, the Making Justice Real campaign
        Real  Estate  Associate  Vinny  Baumann;  Corporate Associate Ryan Lilley; Partner   raised over $3.7 million in just two months.
                                             Mara Glaser McCahan; Litigation Partner
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