Page 17 - Katten 2024 Pro Bono Annual Review
P. 17


        On January 31, as a part of the Lowell E. Sachnoff Advocates in   co-chair  of  its  NextGen  Leadership  Council,  led  a  discussion
        Action  Speaker  Series,  Financial  Markets  Litigation  and   about recent litigation involving the Voting Rights Act and the
        Enforcement Associate Mario Robertson hosted an event,   current landscape for voting rights in Illinois and other
        Safeguarding Voting Rights in 2024, in Katten’s Chicago       Midwestern  states,  as  well  as  the  Committee’s  current
        office. During the program, Ami Gandhi, the Director of         initiatives to support voting rights and how attendees
        Strategic  Initiatives  and  Midwest  Voting  Rights             can become involved in safeguarding voting rights,
        Programs for the  Chicago  Lawyers'  Committee  for              including  volunteering  with  Election  Protection
        Civil Rights (Committee),  of  which  Mario  serves  as          during the 2024 elections.


        New  York  Partner  and  Co-Privacy  Officer  Trisha  Sircar  and
        Chicago Intellectual Property Associate Catherine O’Brien
        assisted After School Matters, a nonprofit providing programs
        in the arts, communications, leadership, sports and STEM for
        Chicago  high  school  teens,  with  creating  a  comprehensive
        privacy notice. Unlike most nonprofit privacy notices, this one
        in  particular  needed  to  address  unique  considerations  for
        working with minors and the categories of personal data pro-
        cessed, including social media use. Trisha and Catherine
        explained that although nonprofits are often exempt from such
        disclosures, the privacy notice was prepared as a “good faith”
        measure to enhance data privacy compliance. “They are a
        wonderful organization, and we are trying to assist them with
        their overall data privacy compliance program,” Trisha said.

                                             CHICAGO ATTORNEY VOLUNTEERS
                                             TO AMEND BYLAWS FOR THE
                                             CHICAGO HEADLINE CLUB FOUNDATION

       “ The opportunity to engage with a    Chicago Mergers and Acquisitions Associate Alexander Lovrine volunteered to help the
        nonprofit, hear their story, and then    Chicago Headline Club Foundation (CHCF) amend their bylaws, a project initiated by
        be able to use my skills to further their   the foundation’s president, a former Katten colleague, which was then passed along to
        mission is always worthwhile and     Alexander by Janet Goelz Hoffman. Over four months, Alexander navigated multiple
        rewarding.” Alexander Lovrine
                                             meetings and revisions, addressing board concerns and overcoming the key challenge of
                                             compromising on language about not engaging in propaganda or influencing legislation.
                                             The amended bylaws, as well as a new policy and procedures document, were approved
                                             by the organization’s Board in September.

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