Page 12 - Katten 2024 Pro Bono Annual Review
P. 12

NEPAL COMMUNITY                                         ALEXA ROLLINS AND
        DEVELOPMENT OBTAINS                                     RYAN LILLEY WIN
        FEDERAL TAX EXEMPTION                                   TAX-EXEMPT STATUS FOR
        IN FOUR DAYS WITH                                       COMMUNITY-FOCUSED CHICAGO
        KATTEN’S HELP                                           ARCHITECTURE NONPROFIT

        Los Angeles Private Wealth Associate Michelle Claros and Pri-  Katten agreed to represent Univ-
        vate Credit Associate Richard Jeng helped the Nepal Community   ersity of Illinois Chicago School of
        Development Foundation — US (NCDF — US) by obtaining its     Architecture Professor David Brown,
        federal tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service in just   who  wanted  to  build  further  upon
        four  days  and  registering  it  as  a  fundraising  charity  with  the   the work and research he developed
        Illinois Attorney General. Their pro bono efforts enabled the   for the 2021 Chicago Architectural
        organization founder Dr. Barry Bialek, who has a long history of   Biennial,  The Available City. As
        community development work in Nepal, to expand his fundraising   Biennial director, David focused on
        reach for vital projects such as sanitation infrastructure, access   more than 10,000 city-owned vacant lots and their potential as
        to  clean  drinking  water,  and  promotion  of  gender  and  ethnic   collective spaces. His nonprofit, of the same name, aims to con-
        equity.  Michelle  and  Richard’s  work  included  advising  on  and   nect architects with local communities by focusing on construc-
        drafting  corporate  governance  documents,  preparing  the  tax   tion that fills community needs. With support from Janet Goelz
        exemption application and assisting with the charity’s registra-  Hoffman, Capital Markets Associates Alexa Rollins, Chicago, and
        tion to support the foundation’s mission of alleviating poverty in   Ryan Lilley, Dallas, helped The Available City incorporate and win
        Nepal’s rural areas.                                    federal tax-exempt status within a month following application.

                                             KATTEN ATTORNEYS SET UP
                                             TAX EXEMPT STATUS FOR
                                             TWO NONPROFITS AIDING
                                             INTERNALLY DISPLACED UKRAINIANS

                                             A cross-office effort led by New York Insolvency and Restructuring Partner Jerry Hall
                                             helped  two  nonprofits  dedicated  to  aiding  internally  displaced  Ukrainians,  Victory
                                             Team and Plich-o-Plich (Plich), secure tax exemption. Victory Team, founded by US
                                             citizens, focuses on delivering essential goods, while Plich, established by Ukrainians
                                             from Odessa and Mykolaiv, provides food, clothing, medical assistance and evacuation
                                             services, especially to the elderly and disabled. With Katten’s support, Victory Team’s
                                             tax exemption was granted on December 21, 2023, and Plich’s on September 13, 2024,
                                             enabling them to continue their critical humanitarian work.

                                             On this project, Jerry was joined by Katten colleagues including  Janet Goelz Hoffman,
                                             Dallas Corporate Associate Kelsey McKeag and New York Mergers and Acquisitions
                                             Associate SoYoung Wang, who collectively conducted client interviews, drafted corpo-
                                             rate and tax documents, and managed tax applications. Jerry expressed gratitude that
                                             “four very busy lawyers set aside significant time” to facilitate “material amounts of aid
                                             to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people halfway around the world by the time the
                                             accounting is complete.”

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