Page 12 - The Katten Kattwalk - Fall 2024 - Issue 28
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Events / Recognitions

         •   Katten Attorneys Recognized as Best Lawyers
             and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch  Award
             Recipients                                               Sponsored Event: Women’s
             The 2025 editions of The Best Lawyers in                 Wear Daily (WWD) Apparel
             America  and the Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch             & Retail CEO Summit on
             in America named 180 Katten attorneys based              October 29-30
             on their peers’ identification in a wide range of
             practice areas.                                                        Continuing our more than
             The Best Lawyers in America  honored the                               a decade of consecutive
             following Katten attorneys: Partner Kristin                            sponsorship, Katten will
             Achterhof (Chicago, Litigation – Intellectual                          once again sponsor this
             Property, Trademark Law), Partner and National                         year’s WWD Apparel &
             Co-Chair of Katten’s Trademark/Copyright/                Retail CEO Summit in New York with
             Privacy Group Karen Artz Ash (New York,                  Karen Artz Ash in attendance. Themed
             Trademark Law), Partner and Deputy General               “The Power of Resilience,” the 2024
             Counsel David Halberstadter (Los Angeles,                summit will be a forum for industry
             Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and                  leaders to discuss how they are redefining
             Television, Litigation - Intellectual Property,          strategic directives to include agile
             Media Law, Trademark Law), Counsel Matthew               business models, sustainable practices
             Holub (Chicago, Intellectual Property Law,               and digital innovations in the face of
             Litigation – Intellectual Property), Partner             global market fluctuations and evolving
             Joseph Janusz (Charlotte, Intellectual Property          customer behaviors. Among this year’s
             Law, Litigation - Intellectual Property, Litigation      speakers are luxury fashion designer Tory
             – Patent), Partner and Co-Chair of Katten’s              Burch and executives from companies
             Trademark/Copyright/Privacy Group Floyd                  including Bulgari Group, Polo Ralph
             Mandell (Chicago, Litigation – Intellectual              Lauren and Todd Snyder.
             Property, Trademark Law), Counsel Carolyn
             Passen (Chicago, Trademark Law), Counsel
             Christopher West (Charlotte, Intellectual
             Property Law, Litigation - Intellectual Property,       Chairman Emeritus Roger Furey. IP STARS also
             Litigation – Patent, Patent Law), Associate             designated Katten with IP Star status overall for
             Alexandra Caleca (New York, Intellectual                Trademark and Trademark Prosecution.
             Property Law) and Associate Julia Mazur
             (Chicago, Litigation – Intellectual Property).      •  Managing Intellectual Property Honors Katten in
                                                                     2024 Copyright Rankings
         •  Managing Intellectual Property Recognizes 2024           Managing Intellectual Property released its 2024
             Katten IP Stars                                         copyright rankings, recognizing Katten with a
             Managing Intellectual Property released its 2024        “United States (National)” ranking. This is the first
             rankings of IP Stars, honoring multiple Intellectual    time our firm has received this accolade for its
             Property attorneys as “Trade Mark Stars” and            exemplary achievements from attorneys across
             “Patent Stars,” including Kristin Achterhof; Karen      our New York, Chicago and Los Angeles offices
             Artz Ash; Floyd Mandell; Partner and Global             in copyright law. IP STARS has long recognized
             Intellectual Property Department Chair Deepro           our IP practices, listing Katten in past years as
             Mukerjee; Partner and Patent Litigation Co-Chair        a nationally ranked firm and a Top Tier Firm in
             Lance Soderstrom; Partner Bret Danow; and               Illinois and New York.

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