Page 13 - The Katten Kattwalk - Fall 2024 - Issue 28
P. 13


         •   Michael Justus Quoted by Law360 on AI                   exactly required for a mark to be source-
             Copyright Case to Watch in the Second Half              identifying. “In crafting complaints, I’m very
             of 2024                                                 careful to make sure that we allege that the

             Intellectual Property Partner and head of               marks are being used as source identifiers by the
             Katten’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group     defendant to avoid any attempt to invoke the
             Michael Justus was quoted in a Law360 article           Rogers test,” she said.
             highlighting key copyright cases to watch for the       Read the full article.
             rest of 2024, including notable disputes related
             to AI such as Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre     •   New Colorado AI Act Targeting ‘Algorithmic
             GmbH et al. v. ROSS Intelligence Inc.                   Discrimination’ Provides AI Compliance Lessons
             Mike noted that the ROSS Intelligence case has          Michael Justus authored an article about the
             parallels to numerous pending complaints against        new Colorado Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act and
             AI companies. “Going by the court’s summary             its new requirements. Starting February 1, 2026,
             judgment opinion last fall, a lot of the issues         businesses must comply with requirements of
             that the judge discussed relating to copyright          the Colorado AI Act (Act) (SB 205) if they use AI
             infringement and copyright fair use and the             tools to make “consequential” decisions about
             four fair use factors are very similar issues to        Colorado consumers’ education, employment,
             the arguments being raised by the parties in            financial or lending services, essential
             these other [AI] cases,” he explained, adding           government services, health care, housing,
             that whatever happens at trial will help guide          insurance or legal services.
             copyright practitioners in other cases.                 The new law focuses on addressing “algorithmic
             Read the full article.                                  discrimination” by high-risk AI systems. But it
                                                                     also requires that any AI system that interacts
         •   Kristin Achterhof Quoted by Managing Intellectual       with consumers (even if not high-risk) must
             Property on Aftermath of Jack Daniel’s v. VIP           disclose to consumers that they are interacting
             Products                                                with an AI system, unless that would be obvious

             Intellectual Property Partner Kristin Achterhof         to a reasonable person. The Colorado Attorney
             was quoted in an article by Managing Intellectual       General has exclusive authority to enforce the
             Property about the 2023 ruling in Jack Daniel’s v.      Act. There is no private right of action.
             VIP Products, and how, one year later, ambiguities      Read the full article.
             still exist in determining whether a mark is being
             used as a source identifier in the context of
             trademark infringement disputes. Although the
             Supreme Court of the United States determined
             in Jack Daniel’s that VIP Products had used the
             term “Bad Spaniels” as a designation of source
             for its own goods, Kristin, who advises many
             companies with famous marks, said the
             ruling left open the issue of what is

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