In this issue of CFWD we discuss:
- SEC Issues New Fee Rates
- California Eliminates Tax Clearance Certificate Requirement
- NSCC Proposes Next Day Settlement Rules
- NYSE Information Memorandum on the Implementation of the NMS Linkage Plan
- NYSE Proposes Changes to Rule 409 - Statements of Accounts to Customers
and New Rule 409A - SIPC Disclosure
- NYSE Issues Information Memorandum on Short Position Reporting Rule 421
- NASD Amends Safe Harbor for Business Expansion
- CBOE STOC and Regulation NMS
- Federal Banking Agencies Issue Guidance on Non-Traditional Mortgage Products
- Plaintiffs Not Collaterally Estopped from Proceeding Against Owners of Closely Held
Corporation on a Veil-Piercing Theory
- Court Refuses to Pierce Corporate Veil to Help Guarantors Avoid Contribution Claims
- CFTC Issues No-Action Letter Permitting Direct Access to MexDer's Electronic Trading and
Order Matching System
- CFTC Issues No-Action Letters to Euronext LIFFE and Euronext Paris Allowing CPOs and CTAs
to Enter Orders through Terminals Located in the U.S.
- CFTC Proposes Amendment to Rule Governing Withdrawals of Equity Capital