In this issue of CFWD we discuss:
- SEC Proposes Easing Foreign-Company Accounting Rules
- SEC Adopts Changes to Proxy Rules
- Lower Threshold for S-3 and F-3 Primary Offering
Eligibility Proposed
- SEC Issues First Compliance Alert
- Joint Guidance on Review and Supervision of
Electronic Communications Proposed
- NYSE Allows Trading in All Markets from Floor Booth
- Legislation Regarding Publicly Traded Partnerships
- OTS Enters Into Consumer Complaint Sharing Agreement with CSBS
- FDIC Releases Current Issue of “Supervisory Insights”
- FDIC Issues Final Guidelines on Affordable Small-Dollar Loans
- Hedge Funds to Consider Voluntary Code of Conduct
- FSA Publishes Annual Report
- Violations of GAAP and Issuance of Restatement
Fail to Support PSLRA Claims
- Mere Mention of Federal Securities Laws Does Not Support
Federal Jurisdiction
- Guidance Issued Regarding SAR Supporting Documentation