In this issue of CFWD we discuss:
- New Rule Removes References to Filer’s IRS ID
Numbers in Certain SEC Filings
- Phlx Proposes Standardized Bid/Ask Differential
and Split-Price Rules
- Amex Proposes to Loosen Restrictions on Entering
Limit Orders on Both Sides of Market
- FRB Lowers Discount Rate and Extends Term of Financing
to 30 Days
- Consumer Illustrations Complementing Subprime Guidance
- SEC May Bring Control Person Liability Claim Without
Joining Primary Violator
- Securities Claim Dismissed Because Omissions Were Neither
Manipulative Nor Deceptive
- Amendments to Certain Procedural Rules Applicable to
Registered Entities and ECMs Proposed
- NFA to Require Annual Registration Update
- CFTC Proposes to Extend the Period for Filing Termination