Joshua Rubenstein, partner and national chair of Katten's Private Wealth Department, has authored a section in the International Comparative Legal Guide - Private Client 2025, which covers common issues in private client laws – including pre-entry tax planning, connection factors, taxation issues on inward investment, succession planning, trusts and foundations, immigration issues and tax treaties.

Josh's section, "Pre-Immigration Planning Considerations for the HNW Client – Think Before You Leap 2025," provides planning considerations for high-net-worth individuals and families immigrating to the United States.

Josh outlines the fundamental planning considerations for foreigners coming to the United States, enabling them to understand potential ramifications, make informed decisions, and fully embrace what the country has to offer. This allows them to make informed trade-offs regarding potential consequences.

"Pre-Immigration Planning Considerations for the HNW Client – Think Before You Leap 2025," Global Legal Group, January 13, 2025