Partner Jonathan Baum will serve as a panelist at Mandel Legal Aid Clinic’s 50th Anniversary Symposium “Out of the Shadow: Clinical Legal Education” on Saturday, February 23 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The Symposium will include the following discussions:
Signature and Shadow Pedagogies: Coexistence or Collaboration?
A discussion of the historical pedagogies of academic and clinical programs, their strengths and weaknesses and implications for the legal profession. -
Creating Lawyers: How’d You Do That?
This panel will explore assessing the “success” of clinical programs and articulating professional and social values inherent in such programs. -
The First Fifty Years are the Hardest: Defining Future Models.
The recommendations of Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law (the Carnegie Report) and Best Practices for Legal Education will serve as starting points to discuss new clinical strategies and methods.