Katten will host "Post-Issuance Compliance With SEC and IRS Bond Requirements" at 5:00 p.m. (CT) on Tuesday, May 12. The program will feature panelists from BLX Group and Katten. BLX Group senior representatives on the panel include Alan Bond, Jeff Higgins and Sandra Stallings. Katten partners participating on the panel include Milton Wakschlag, Michael Diver, Renee Friedman and Janet Goelz Hoffman.
The tax-exempt bond market is under heightened scrutiny by an ever-growing list of regulators, including the IRS, the SEC and the MSRB, with a large part of their focus on post-issuance compliance with federal securities and tax laws. Issuers and borrowers should have policies and procedures in place to ensure that the interest on their bonds will remain tax-exempt and that they are in compliance with their ongoing continuing disclosure requirements.
As part of the CDFA Illinois Financing Roundtable Conference, this program features a panel of industry professionals who will share their extensive experience in preventing compliance problems before they arise, solving them when they are discovered, and defending against federal sanctions for them when all else fails.
The discussion will focus on the main compliance requirements in the following areas:
- private business use and IRS Form 990 - Schedule K;
- secondary market disclosure and MCDC; and
- arbitrage rebate—computation, payment, late payment, and refund of overpayment.
To register for this event, click here.