Kristin Achterhof will present at the ABA's Spencer Grimes Appellate Judges Summit on “Trademark Infringement and Dilution Under the Lanham Act and State Common Law,” on Saturday, November 11 from 9:30-10:00 a.m. She will also participate in a separate “Panel Discussion on Intellectual Property Issues Confronting the Courts” from 10:15–12:00 p.m.
The Summit is co-sponsored by the Appellate Judges Conference of the ABA Judicial Division and the SMU Dedman School of Law. Attendees will include federal and state appellate judges from across the country, as well as members of the ABA Council of Appellate Lawyers and the Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys.
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Harriet Miers and Ken Starr (along with several appellate judges and law school professors) are also speaking at the Summit.