Protecting your brand can be of more value than you may realise. A brand with a strong reputation usually has a loyal returning client base. Whether you are selling luxury goods, offering online content sharing services or providing services to businesses or consumers, you want to maintain a strong, trustworthy reputation. Losing sales to infringers and brand dilution are not the only concerns a business should have when it comes to brand protection, but also protecting customers from potentially harmful goods and services and possible scam purchases.

Below are our top five tips to protect your brand:

  • Secure your intellectual property rights
  • Create a consistent brand image
  • Watch out for infringers
  • Keep track of key deadlines
  • Keep a record of any evidence showing use of trademarks

Tegan Miller-McCormack, a trainee solicitor in the Mergers & Acquisitions/Private Equity practice, contributed to this advisory.