Two Katten attorneys will participate in the 25th Annual Forum on Communications Law Conference on Friday, February 7. Doron Goldstein, co-head of the firm's Privacy, Data and Cybersecurity practice, will serve as lead facilitator of the "Hot Issues in Data Privacy" workshop at 8:00 a.m. The session will discuss where the CCPA has ended up one month after its effective date and a year and a half into the GDPR, and with state privacy laws proposed or under consideration in over 20 states; what (if anything) can be expected to change in the CCPA; whether (and in what form) a federal privacy law might be passed; lessons from GDPR practices and enforcement; and what companies can do to try to future-proof their data and privacy practices given the uncertainty.
Also at 8:00 a.m., Litigation partner Gloria Franke Shaw will participate as a facilitator in the "Hot Issues in Entertainment" workshop. The session will discuss developments and trends in movies, television, celebrities, games, music, politics, and graffiti cases after a year that has seen a number of groundbreaking decisions on entertainment issues.
For more information, click here.