(CHICAGO) Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP today announced that it has been named one of the 100 Best Companies for 2012 by Working Mother magazine. This is the sixth consecutive year Katten has received this recognition.

“Katten understands the importance of providing its employees with innovative, high-quality benefits and support programs,” said Vincent A. F. Sergi, Katten’s national managing partner. “We understand that there are different ways to meet the same goals.”

Working Mother selected firms to be included in the 100 Best Companies based on their wide array of progressive workplace programs, including child care, flexibility, advancement and paid family leave.

Katten offers innovative leave and flexibility policies. For example, to ease the transition back to work, Katten offers attorneys the 60/60/80 Program following the firm’s three-month paid maternity or adoption leave. This includes a 60 percent work schedule for the first two months following maternity leave and an 80 percent work schedule for the third month. In addition, after completing a fifth year of work at the firm, associates at Katten can take a one-month paid sabbatical that can be added onto maternity leave.

Employees at Katten can request alternative work schedules allowing them the flexibility to meet both client and family needs. Subsidized coverage is also offered for backup child care or care for aging parents in the home or at a facility in a location of preference.

“Despite the fact that the global recession has impacted businesses all over the world, Katten has maintained its commitment to providing strong work workplace policies and benefits for women,” said Gaye Bartulis, director of Human Resources for Katten. “The firm’s policies are progressive and are rooted in an understanding that having a family brings an additional level of unpredictability to the lives of its employees.”

Katten promotes the strategic retention and advancement of women by creating and maintaining an environment that recognizes, cultivates and utilizes the talent of its female attorneys to expand and create business opportunities and achieve long-term success.

Women attorneys are offered on-site and online courses in continuing education and are reimbursed for seminars outside the office that they complete to qualify for continuing legal education credit.

In 2004, the Women’s Leadership Forum was established to further the firm’s commitment to the strategic retention and advancement of women and to provide a forum for Katten’s women attorneys to discuss issues and share information.

Carol Evans, president of Working Mother Media, said, “This year’s 100 Best Companies are leading the way for the rest of the nation. They have created not only essential benefits, like flexible work options and telecommuting, but have also shown their commitment in new ways like elder care referral and legal assistance to help busy parents manage their personal lives as well as their careers.”

The 2012 Working Mother 100 Best Companies application includes more than 500 questions on workforce representation, child care, flexibility programs, leave policies and more. It surveys the availability, usage and tracking of programs, as well as the accountability of managers who oversee them. This year, particular weight was given to child care, flexible scheduling options and advancement programs.

Working Mother magazine reaches more than two million readers and is the only national magazine for career-committed mothers. This year marks the 27th anniversary of the magazine’s signature research initiative, Working Mother 100 Best Companies.