Allison Yacker, co-chair of the firm's New York Financial Services group and member of the firm's Board of Directors, was named Katten's Working Mother of the Year by Working Mother for serving as a great mentor to other women.
Allison is a member of Katten's National Mentoring Panel, and provides guidance to the firm's women attorneys on how to manage work-life balance, create cohesion with team members, establish relationships with firm leadership and navigate the partnership track. She is an advisor, supervisor, coach, counselor and advocate for more than 30 attorneys and staff in her practice as well as for young lawyers, both male and female, in and outside Katten.
Allison explained, "The many women currently serving Katten in leadership roles, especially those like me that have spent their entire career at the firm, is a testament to the fact that Katten is doing something right. I have no doubt that the personal and professional investment that Katten made in me, and the environment Katten fosters is directly attributable to my success." (Allison Yacker: 2018 Working Mother of the Year, September 25, 2018)