In this issue of CFWD we discuss:
- Proposed Amendment to SEC Rule Governing Director Nominations by Shareholders
- California Legislature Passes Majority Vote of Shareholders Bill
- NASD Provides Guidance on Rule 2441 - Net Transactions with Customers
- NASD Provides Guidance on Amendments to Rules 2210 and 2211
- NASD Best Execution Rule Amendment Approved
- NYSE Clarifies Use of Error Account
- Agencies Seek Public Comment on Basel II and Market Risk Proposed Rulemakings
- Federal Reserve Issues Final Rule Regarding Reg. E and Payroll Accounts
- Seller of Tying Product Must Have Direct Economic Interest in Sale to Establish Illegal
Tying Arrangement
- Corporate Form Disregarded, Fiduciary Personally Liable for Misappropriation of ERISA Plan
- CFTC Allows Futures Contract Based on the Mexican Stock Exchange IPC Index to be Offered
and Sold in the United States