The #FreeBritney movement turned the topic of conservatorships into headline news. In an On The Merits podcast interview, Joshua Rubenstein, partner and national chair of the Private Wealth practice, explained how he typically structures conservatorships to avoid the problems that Spears appears to be facing.
"What we try to do is have a time-delineated guardianship," Josh told Bloomberg Law's David Schultz. Joshua noted that permanent conservatorships can be troublesome.
He said, "In a case like [Spears'], I like to do it the other way. I say, 'I appoint you for one year' and then it terminates unless I need it."
The interview also covered professional and interpersonal skills required for effective trusts and estates work. The podcast closed with the state of trusts and estate practices at large law firms.
"We view our trusts and estates work not as drawing wills and trusts for people, which of course we do, but as being a port of first call for their business activities," Josh said.
Avoiding a Britney Spears' Conservatorship Situation (Podcast)