As a community, we have watched with heavy hearts and troubled minds as the recent manifestations of racial injustice have played out on the national stage. While we have always stood in solidarity with the black and brown communities that face these injustices, we have been less vocal than the cause requires. No longer.
We stand unequivocally in support of social justice and against police brutality and bigotry in every form. Black lives matter.
We support our employees’ participation in peaceful protests and their active citizenship, and we condemn any incidents of violence or destruction of property that disrupts these peaceful gatherings.
As lawyers and leaders, we add our collective voice to the call to end racial injustice and discrimination. We commit to continue using our resources and skills as tools to help fix broken systems and bring more parity to many places, including the legal industry. At Katten, we are steadfast in our belief that, together, we can make the necessary changes to begin reversing the deplorable effects of racism. We are determined to continue working toward justice and inclusion for all.