Katten will present the "New SEC Rule Replaces the Decades Old Advertising and Solicitation Rules for Advisers" webinar at 12:00 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, February 18. Katten speakers will include Wendy Cohen, co-chair of Investment Management and Funds and Financial Markets and Funds partner; and Financial Markets and Funds partners Christian Hennion and Richard Marshall, and counsel Mark Goldstein.
They will discuss the SEC's changes to its decades old advertising and solicitation rules for investment advisers, which repeal the prohibitions on testimonials and past specific recommendations, expand the scope of the solicitation rule to noncash compensation arrangements and marketing of private funds, and permit many types of performance advertising that were previously prohibited. The new rule also imposes a new requirement that advisers produce to the SEC the evidence for any factual assertions in advertisements. The Katten speakers will discuss how these changes are likely to impact materially the $97 trillion advisory industry.
For more information contact Michelle Hauser.