Financial Markets and Funds partner Susan Light spoke with The Glass Hammer on the perspective she has gained throughout her career. Sue recommends taking a problem-solving approach to one's career, particularly when starting out as a young professional. On the topic of self care, she added, "I am happy to see this is becoming a bigger trend among younger professionals. It's not weak to take a moment every now and then to focus on your physical and mental health. It's imperative. If you are not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to show up and take care of others. Plain and simple."
The article follows the path of her career, noting that both education and job opportunities played a role in how her career has evolved and the value she provides to clients. On joining Katten, Sue stated, "It's been a great match, the people are terrific. Katten has a strong financial services department, and I brought my institutional knowledge of SEC and FINRA rules and regulations to enhance that area." Regarding client service, she adds, "I try to help my clients better understand what the regulator is required to consider and how that may impact their matter. I think this approach gives them a greater level of insight and confidence when working with FINRA or the SEC."
Sue urges younger attorneys to build relationships with colleagues they trust. "You need someone at work who will give you a reality check and advice." She added, "The secret to work-life harmony is not balance so much as navigating what's most important at any given time. Sometimes that's the case you're working on and sometimes that's your child's birthday. It is possible to be fantastic at both roles." ("Voice of Experience: Susan Light, Partner, Katten," October 14, 2019)