
As the legal and regulatory landscapes of the United States and Europe continue to broaden —sometimes in different directions — companies need help navigating the evolving, sometimes disruptive legal issues affecting their businesses. 

Katten's UK office serves such companies with a deep knowledge of the international financial markets and a range of industry sectors in all their complexity. Our attorneys represent clients on both sides of the Atlantic in transactions, asset management, finance and financial restructuring, and other matters requiring multidisciplinary skill sets across a broad cross-section of industries and jurisdictions.

Recognized as Transatlantic Firm of the Year in 2022 by Law.com International, we are known for attracting and retaining top talent responsible for managing a variety of sophisticated, high-value matters.

Financial services
Rather than focus exclusively on certain types of businesses, we address the financial markets as a whole — from infrastructure to market participants to the entire trading cycle — giving us an unmatched holistic view. Our clients span the entire trading continuum, from end users such as proprietary traders, commodity firms, crypto assets investors, alternative asset managers and hedge funds to brokers, investment banks and swaps dealers, as well as trading venues, clearing houses and settlement banks.

Asset management
We work with clients across the UK, Europe and elsewhere on mandates that traverse the spectrum of complexities applicable to collective investment arrangements in both trading and investing contexts. We are particularly skilled in structuring bespoke investment structures utilizing vehicles in a variety of jurisdictions to satisfy the specific requirements of investment managers and investors alike, whether in fund, joint venture or other arrangements. These skills permit us also to advise market participants effectively on proposed investments in collective investment structures at the outset, on the acquisition and disposal of investment portfolios on the secondary market, and co-investment arrangements with collective investment structures.

We advise across all corporate matters, including M&A, joint venture arrangements and other investments across the UK, Europe and worldwide. We regularly execute deals that are complex, that require speedy execution and closing, or that involve multiple jurisdictions and stakeholders with competing interests. We are known for our ability to help clients get their deals over the line on time and on budget. We are adept at devising nonstandard, customized solutions to hard-to-solve problems, and our ability to pioneer new structures minimizes cost and maximizes the investment potential for clients.

*Katten's UK office operates through Katten Muchin Rosenman UK LLP (UK LLP), an affiliate of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP. The UK LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA ID number 421761. Further information on how the UK LLP is regulated, its complaints handling policy, professional indemnity insurance and other legal and regulatory matters may be found here.


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