Partner Michael Callahan will co-present the "Privileging Nightmares and the Legal Ramifications" session at the 2016 Morrisey Technology and Educational Conference on Thursday, August 18 at 11:00 a.m. Michael will provide legal perspective on:

  • qualifications/criteria;
  • special or advanced privileges;
  • current training requirements;
  • FPPE/OPPE policies and their intent;
  • CMS November 2004 letter; and
  • laundry lists versus core privileges.

He also will touch on the increased legal liability related to noncompliance with privileging requirements as well as how to maximize peer review privilege protections.

Michael's second presentation, "Unique Advantages and Protections Offered by PSOs to Improve Patient Care," will be later that day at 2:45 p.m. and will cover the following questions:

  • How does participation in a PSO improve quality and reduce patient risk?
  • What patient safety activity information can be protected?
  • What operational steps are needed to implement participation in a PSO?
  • What steps to take in order to maximize privilege protections?

For more information, click here.

To view the presentation slides, click here and here.