Partner Michael Callahan will speak on "Medical Staff Bylaws: How to create documents that are clear, compliant, and fair" from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, November 7. The presentation will cover 30 essential questions to fix bylaws so they meet regulatory requirements and provide clear, practical guidance to hospital and medical staff leaders.

The following presentations by Michael Callahan, a partner in the firm's Health Care Practice, were given at the Greeley Medical Staff Institute Symposium: "Solutions to top medical staff challenges." Mr. Callahan spoke on health laws, bylaws and regulatory issues.

"Medical Staff Bylaws: How to create documents that are clear, compliant and fair"

  • Describes the necessary components and potential weaknesses of medical staff bylaws, and discusses the appropriate language for membership requirements and investigation procedures 

"Stark, Anti-kickback and Private Inurement"

  • Provides an overview of Stark, Anti-Kickback and Private Inurement with a focus on how these principles apply to physician recruitment and ED compensation based on recent amendments and OIG advisory opinions

"The Impact of PSO Confidentiality and Privilege Protections on the Peer Review Process: What you need to know"

  • Provides background on the Patient Safety Act; explains patient safety evaluation systems (PSEs), patient safety work product (PSWP) and patient safety organizations (PSOs); a description of the confidentiality and privilege provisions; and an analysis as to how these protections interact with existing state confidentiality protections and are applied to a hypothetical peer review scenario

"Can I Be Sued? Legal protections for physician leaders who make the tough calls"

  • Highlights areas of potential risk and discusses the legal defenses and protections that will limit these risks

"Significant Cases and Developments: Lessons learned"

  • Reviews Data Bank's opinion on the standards for reporting termination decisions and explains the lessons hospitals can learn from significant cases