In an article published by Bloomberg Law, Katten Chief Innovation Officer Andrew Sprogis and Senior Innovation and Data Science Manager Matthew Dunne discussed the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in legal services. While they provide an implementation framework based on their experience at Katten, the authors also note that "the technology will take care of itself, so focus on people and process."

Andrew and Matthew share that the technology itself is not the biggest issue, since the "technology of large language models is actually pretty advanced for most use cases." Instead, the most challenging hurdle is coordinating the technology with the right people and the right processes as well as available time. The authors propose first establishing an overall business strategy before investigating software options, then considering the type of information you want the AI to process and the value in automating it.

The authors go on to share suggested steps to take once these initial questions are answered, including identifying the particular workflows where there might be a return on investment, using those workflows to select helpful tools, and piloting those tools. Though Andrew and Matthew say these ideas "aren't a step-by-step guide suitable for all situations," they can help start the conversation about AI.

"Don't Worry if AI Is Good Enough Yet. Focus on People, Strategy," Bloomberg Law, September 13, 2024