Consistently recognized in The Best Lawyers in America® since 2019, Dallas Partner and Health Care Chair Kenya Woodruff has recently been named "Lawyer of the Year" for Health Care Law in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for 2024. Best Lawyers spoke with Kenya about her career in representing and supporting hospitals in regulatory, contracting and compliance matters.

Kenya shared, "The variety and complexity of my daily work is challenging and engaging. Also, knowing that my work is a key piece in ensuring access to quality health care for those across the state adds another level of significance and importance to even the most basic assignment. The most challenging aspect of health care law is the high degree of regulation for the entities and individuals involved in the industry. Health care, being so central to our lives, state, local and federal governments are focused on legislating and auditing the industry to protect patients and consumers. Our role is to help ensure that these activities are done in a way that properly supports the ultimate goal of ensuring access to quality health care."

"Kenya S. Woodruff Texas's "Lawyer of the Year" 2024," Best Lawyers, June 14, 2024