The Dallas Business Journal featured Kenya Woodruff, Health Care partner and deputy general counsel, following the publication's recognition of her as a Leader in Diversity. In addition to her health care transactions and regulatory compliance practice, Kenya has focused on growing diversity at Katten and the legal profession.
Kenya, who sits on the firm's Diversity Committee and serves as national chair of the Women's Leadership Forum, explained the importance of a diverse workplace at every level and creating opportunities for advancement.
"I'm particularly proud of the professional development programming we have offered through the Women's Leadership Forum to help empower our female attorneys at the firm and give them the skills needed to advance in their careers," Kenya said.
Kenya also noted that law firms must be cognizant of how social and economic changes impact the industry.
"Law firms are and will continue the need to tackle mental wellness, social justice movements, work-from-home initiatives, and increased client expectations," she said.
"Q&A with Kenya Woodruff, Health Care Partner and Deputy General Counsel at Katten," Dallas Business Journal, February 26, 2023