Each year, Katten publishes a Pro Bono Annual Review summarizing our firm's incredible community service efforts throughout the year. In the wake of a global pandemic, economic hardship and a nationwide call for social justice, this has been a challenging year in particular.

Katten attorneys in offices and practices across our firm have stepped up to the call. We have continued our efforts to defend asylum seekers and the wrongly convicted, protect victims of domestic violence, and ensure equal access to justice for low-income individuals facing civil legal problems, as we have done in years past, but this year, we have also been a leader in addressing the new legal needs and challenges that have been brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

From launching and participating in innovative legal clinics to assisting vulnerable communities who have been impacted both socially and economically by the pandemic, such as health care workers, minorities, prisoners, and the elderly, to promoting racial justice, defending the rights of protesters and ensuring all Americans can exercise their right to vote, our attorneys and business professionals have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service that is, as our Director of Pro Bono Services, Jonathan Baum, writes, "at the heart of our firm."

Read, "Leading in a Time of Crisis: 2020 Pro Bono Annual Review," here.