Chicago Litigation Associate Scott Goehring will be honored as a "Volunteer of the Year" during Legal Aid Chicago's (LAC) annual luncheon on June 20. Scott will be recognized for his work with the Katten de Diego Legal Clinic. Scott, a former Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) Summer Fellow at LAC, is a regular monthly volunteer at the clinic and has been a regular since just before he joined the firm in 2021.

"Scott is able to get right to the heart of the client's legal issue and always capably and compassionately assesses each new situation," LAC noted in a LinkedIn post recognizing and thanking him. "His advice to clinic clients is always thorough and he has a talent for clearly laying out all available options to clients."

Under the leadership of Katten Pro Bono Director Jonathan Baum and with participation from other Katten and LAC attorneys, paralegals and staff, the Katten de Diego Legal Clinic serves clients facing a wide variety of legal issues. Scott has worked with clients dealing with issues ranging from domestic violence to custody to housing discrimination to intestacy.

"Clients' legal issues and circumstances are varied and unique and have provided me the opportunity to learn about numerous areas of law outside of my daily litigation practice," Scott said. "Often, we are able to help address clients' concerns and goals, such as through limited representation or providing concrete, accessible advice on how to navigate the legal process as pro se litigants."

Scott, a member of LAC's Ambassador's Board, added that even when client issues don't require a legal solution, the clinic can provide a platform for clients to feel heard and respected.