Law360 and the Long Beach Press-Telegram reported on a Katten pro bono success story involving the adoption finalization of a toddler, who as a newborn was abandoned and found buried in a pothole covered in asphalt and debris. Litigation associate Eric Brin assisted the adoptive mother—a distant cousin of the baby—through the arduous legal process. Eric stated, "I think from her perspective, the adoption was a daunting legal process, a lot of red tape, and having an advocate was just a big relief. From my perspective, I felt she really had her heart in the right place, knew some of the challenges [the child] would face, and knew that making [her] part of a stable family was the most important thing she could do to help her." Regarding Katten’s commitment to pro bono service, Director of Pro Bono Services Jonathan Baum stated, "Eric’s work illustrates all we strive for in our pro bono program—first-rate work for worthy clients by highly motivated lawyers."
- "Katten Helps Abandoned Girl Reach New Family," Law360, April 14, 2019
- "Child Once Found Buried in Compton Pothole Celebrates 3rd Birthday With Adopted Family," Long Beach Press-Telegram, December 1, 2018