Michael Callahan, of counsel on Katten's Health Care team, will present "Achieving a Just Culture Approach to the Medical Staff and APPs" session on Monday, October 19 at 12:35 p.m. All too often, hospitals and medical staffs engage in the "blame game" when there is an adverse event that causes patient injury rather than focusing on existing policies, procedures or system failures that may have contributed to that injury. Michael will discuss the concept of "Just Culture," which seeks to evaluate all contributing factors with the goal of identifying remedial steps that can assist the health care practitioner in improving their practice standards and avoid disruptive behavior without triggering hearing rights or Data Bank reports.

Also on Monday, Michael will present the "Year in Review: Legal Developments Affecting MSP Responsibilities" session at 3:00 p.m. The presentation will summarize major case law, accreditation, Data Bank and other legal developments that will impact the daily responsibilities of MSPs. These developments will be categorized along with lessons learned, offering practical guidance and recommendations that members can take back to the hospital and medical staff leaders in the areas of peer review, privileging and credentialing, Data Bank reporting obligations and other areas of legal compliance.

To learn more about the "NAMSS 43rd Educational Conference & Exhibition," click here.

View the "Achieving a Just Culture Approach to the Medical Staff and APPs" presentation slides.

View the "Year in Review: Legal Developments Affecting MSP Responsibilities" presentation slides.