About Lisa Christensen

From mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 100 corporations, every business must comply with hundreds of rules and regulations related to the health, retirement and benefits of their employees. Lisa Christensen helps clients make sense of the law and build compliance programs that can protect their bottom line.

Complex regulations. Straightforward advice.

Lisa helps her clients navigate a complex web of regulations governing employee benefits and executive compensation by breaking it down to a manageable scale. She works collaboratively with human resource professionals to provide sensible solutions to their benefit problems. Lisa assists with reviewing, revising and drafting services agreements, plan documents and participant communications, and counsels clients on plan administration and compliance with all applicable federal laws and state laws. She also regularly consults with clients on various correction methodologies when document or operational errors are discovered in qualified retirement plans, welfare benefit plans, fringe benefit arrangements and executive compensation arrangements, as well as IRS Form W-2 reporting issues associated with those errors.

With respect to cybersecurity and data privacy, Lisa counsels clients on compliance, drafts compliance manuals and conducts on-site and web-based training for multiple interested stakeholders across all business sectors on HIPAA and other applicable privacy laws (foreign and domestic). Lisa regularly reviews services agreements and works with clients (and their vendors) in connection with data breaches; phishing attacks; loss or theft of mobile devices; ransomware; reporting to customers, affected individuals, and federal and state agencies; and implementation of privacy and security policies and procedures. She also assists individuals with identity theft issues in connection with financial, medical and criminal actions of identity thieves, including fraudulent filings of IRS Forms 1040 and state tax forms.

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Practice Focus

  • Employee benefits and executive compensation
  • Plan administration and compliance
  • Cybersecurity and data protection issues
  • Data breaches