Katten believes that written advocacy is a distinct subset of litigation. It covers not only compelling appellate briefs, but also the development and presentation of persuasive arguments before trial courts and administrative agencies.
The attorneys in Katten's Appeals and Critical Motions group have honed the skills necessary to present forceful and convincing arguments on dispositive issues at every level of litigation. Our core team consists exclusively of former federal appellate clerks from circuits across the country and ranges in seniority from partners with decades of appellate experience to associates at the beginning of stellar careers. Our diversity allows us to bring appellate experience to bear on almost any case — regardless of issue, venue or budget. Although we are appellate advocates first and foremost, we regularly collaborate with members of Katten's other litigation-focused practices at trial and even before a case is initiated.
Collaboration at all stages of litigation
When Katten handles a matter from its inception, our Appeals and Critical Motions team frequently gets involved at the pretrial stage to help develop arguments and strategies, and to convince prosecutors and regulators about legal infirmities in the enforcement actions that they are contemplating. Once a case is initiated, we often work with the trial team — not simply to preserve issues for appeal, but to help craft the best possible arguments at the trial stage. On appeal, members of the group continue teaming with members of Katten's other litigation-focused practices, tapping into a wealth of subject matter knowledge. We are also called upon to take over high-stakes appeals from other law firms or to provide strategic advice behind the scenes.
Always ready for an appeal
We have handled several hundred appeals in federal and state appellate courts and in the US Supreme Court, covering a range of legal subjects and industries — many highly technical and all of great consequence to our clients. Through repeated work with our Katten colleagues, members of the Appeals and Critical Motions practice have developed substantial experience in class-action cases, securities litigation, patent and trademark cases, insurance and health care fraud, insolvency and restructuring, and white collar/government investigation matters — just to name a few.
Publication | March 20, 2025
Publication | November 4, 2024
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Publication | August 2, 2024
Publication | July 2024